
ECE Florida Welcomes Mark Tehranipoor as Department Chair


ECE Florida is excited to announce that Dr. Mark Tehranipoor has assumed leadership of the department in his new role as department chair, effective June 3.

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As the nation honors the cultures and contributions of Native Americans, the University of Florida invites you to explore and discover the Indigenous peoples of our region and the state of Florida through this content curated across campus.

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ECE Excellence Awards for 2019-20


Ten ECE Excellence Awards were awarded at the end of the semester—a recap is provided here.

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End-of-Semester Awards Announced at Virtual Spring Banquet


The annual ECE Spring Banquet was held Sunday, April 19, via Zoom teleconferencing.

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2020 Deep Learning Workshop and Summer Research Program


The UF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is hosting a workshop and a research program, designed especially for international students. In consideration of the COVID-19 public health crisis, these two programs will be offered online this year—students will work with faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) remotely. ECE Professor and Chair Dr. John Harris […]

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Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos: Two Seminars, Two Days, Two Topics


Dr. Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos provides a unique opportunity to the University of Florida the week of April 15, delivering two seminar talks in as many days, covering two very different topics.

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The Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World Names Leaders


Swarup Bhunia, Ph.D., has been named as Director of the Institute and the Sachio Semmoto Professor. Dr. Bhunia is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Florida. Dr. Bhunia received his Ph.D. from Purdue University and was an Associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University before coming […]

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Shuo Wang Elevated to IEEE Fellow


Dr. Shuo Wang has been elevated to the rank of IEEE Fellow, for contributions to reduction of electromagnetic interference in electronic systems.

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‘Signals in the Soil’ Deployed to Reduce Fertilizer Run-Off


William Eisenstadt is part of team which aims to utilize remote sensors and drones to detect nitrogen levels in soil, enabling precision agriculture.

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